1:1 Naturopath & Nutrition Consultations

An individual & in-depth approach, designed to resolve your specific health concerns.

All sessions are held online, and are available Australia wide.

Treatment includes herbal medicine, and nutritional compounds, as well as dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Ready to get started? Click the link below to find a time.

Book An Initial Session

Service Offerings

  • Initial session (60 min) $200

  • Follow-up (60 min) $180

  • Follow-up (45 min) $140

  • Follow-up (30 min) $100

Initial Consultation - 60 minutes

  • An in-depth review of your health concerns and goals.

  • Investigation into different body systems to review potential areas of imbalance.

  • Analysis of relevant health history.

  • Lifestyle and nutritional review.

  • Referral for functional or pathology testing, as required.

  • After the session you will receive a treatment ​plan that is tailored to your individual health goals, including herbal medicine, nutritional compounds, testing, dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

Follow-up Consultation - 30 to 60 minutes

  • Check-in and progress review.

  • Testing review & explanation, as required.

  • Prescription, dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

  • The length of time for a follow-up is based purely on your needs. 60 minute follow-ups are recommended at the beginning of your health journey, as we establish new practices. Once we are on track, it may feel right to decrease the length of your follow-up.