Blackcurrant Breaky Bowl

Jul 01, 2019

This vibrant breakfast came about due to my ongoing fascination with the gut microbiome. The purple colour comes from blackcurrant powder, which is high in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a plant compound in foods like spices, cocoa, tea, berries, legumes, and nuts that have a brown skin - think almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts & pecans. 

Polyphenols are most commonly known as an antioxidant, but research suggests they also benefit the composition of the bacteria in our gut through prebiotic and antimicrobial like effects. This means they support the good bacteria, and inhibit the bad guys! 

Using room temperature water means the end result isn't too cold for winter. Plus 1 tsp of blackcurrant power contains only 2.2g of sugar, what a win! This certainly won’t result in sugar cravings later in the day.

The hemp seed obsession continues...


Serves 1


  • 1 tsp blackcurrant powder

  • ¼ avocado

  • 2 tsp chia

  • 2 tsp flaxseed

  • 1 serve of protein powder (I love The Beauty Chef Body Vanilla)

  • 1 handful of washed spinach

  • 1-2 cups of water (depending on desired consistency)

  • 1 Tbs hemp seeds


  1. Add everything except the hemp seeds into a Nutribullet or blender

  2. Blend to desired consistency, adding more water as needed

  3. Pour into a bowl and top with hemp seeds

  4. Enjoy!