The 5 Phases of Gut Healing: A Comprehensive Guide

Sep 14, 2023

Our gut is often referred to as our body's "second brain" due to its profound impact on overall health. From digestion and nutrient absorption to influencing our immune system, mental well-being, and even hormonal balance, the gut plays a key role. Unfortunately modern lifestyles, poor diet, and exposure to various pathogens can compromise gut health.

When things fall out of balance, where do we start?! For those seeking a holistic path to rejuvenate their digestive health, the 5-phase gut healing protocol (The 5R’s) offers a structured approach. Let's dive deep into each of these phases.



Before we can start healing, we must first remove the agents causing harm. This phase involves:

Dietary Adjustments

Eliminating common irritants like gluten, dairy, soy, refined sugars, and artificial additives. This list differs for everyone! We only remove what is showing to be a trigger for you.

Reduce Pathogens

Addressing harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Incorporating herbal remedies such as garlic, berberine, and oregano oil can be beneficial in this phase. These antimicrobials herbs are POWERFUL! This is why I never give recommended dosages in any of my articles, as I always suggest using antimicrobial herbs under the guidance of a practitioner.

Review Medications

Never cease medications without the guidance of your GP, but this is a good time to review what medications you are taking, and whether any may be contributing to your symptoms.



Now that we have created a cleaner environment, it's time to replace essential elements that might have been lacking or depleted.

Digestive Enzymes

If digestive enzymes are suspected to be low, supplementing with enzymes can help to break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, ensuring complete digestion. Foods rich in digestive enzymes include kiwi fruit, papaya, pineapple and apple cider vinegar.

Herbal Bitters

Bitters help to stimulate digestion, and can assist in the overall digestive process. We can incorporate herbal bitters and bitter foods, such as rocket, radicchio, and dandelion root tea.

Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric acid is vital for adequately processing food in the stomach, and maintaining an acidic environment that prevents pathogen growth. Common reasons for low hydrochloric acid including taking reflux medication, such as Nexium.


The gut is home to trillions of bacteria, both good and bad. In the reinoculation phase, we focus on nurturing beneficial bacteria. A great way to ensure you are fueling your beneficial bacteria is to aim for 40 different plant foods each week, incorporating fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, nuts & seeds, and herbs & spices. Below are the fours groups that specifically benefit bacterial balance:

Dietary Fibre

Fibre is the part of plant-based food that mostly passes through your digestive system without breaking down or being digested. It directly influences our microbiome and enhances the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which helps to promote our overall health and wellbeing. A high-fibre diet also assists in bowel movement regularity and waste removal. If fibre levels are low, we slowly aim to increase this to ensure regular elimination.


Polyphenols are a type of prebiotic, but get a special mention due to their anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They also produce less gas than other prebiotics, so are a great option for bloated or sensitive bellies. They are found in brightly colours foods such as berries, pomegranate, red cabbage and red rice.


Are essential to a vibrant and diverse micorbiome! These non-digestible fibres feed our beneficial bacteria as the ferment it down. Foods rich in prebiotics include garlic, onions, asparagus, and leeks.


Introducing live beneficial bacteria through supplements or fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi helps rebalance the gut flora. It does not put good bacteria ‘back in’ the gut, but it creates a beneficial microbiome environment as these bacteria pass through the digestive tract.

You can find more information about fibre, polyphenols, prebiotics, and probiotic-rich foods here.



This phase focuses on repairing the gut lining, which can become damaged due to inflammation, leading to conditions like Increased Intestinal Permeability (aka leaky gut).


Amino acids like L-glutamine, zinc carnosine, and essential fatty acids can help repair the intestinal barrier.


Licorice root, slippery elm, and marshmallow root can soothe the gut lining and promote healing.


Minimising ultra processed foods and high amounts of alcohol will assist gut healing. Additionally, collagen-based foods may be a beneficial addition to support the repair process.



The last step is to focus on correcting your driver, so relapses don’t happen. Plus we give your liver some love for tall the hard work it’s done cleaning up the gut so far. Finally we ensure a plan & healthy lifestyle thats maintainable to ensure that the gut remains in an optimal state.

Find Your Driver

This is different for everyone. This could be high stress levels, an underlying thyroid issues, a bug you picked up while travelling, and autoimmune condition etc etc. We need to know what drove your gut to become imbalanced in the first place. If we don’t fix this, it’s likely the problems will return.


Supporting the liver and kidney to help eliminate waste and toxins. The liver and our digestive system are strongly linked. After completing a digestive protocol, it’s important to give the liver some attention to ensure that BOTH systems are working effectively.

Mindful Eating

I have a friend who saw an Ayurvedic practitioner, and for the whole 90 minute session they focused on the importance of her chewing her food properly. For 90 minutes! The session cost around $400, but the experience was so profound for my friend, and this one things made such a difference, that her digestion has been excellent ever since. Take time to savour your meals, chew thoroughly, and listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

Stress Management

Chronic stress negatively impacts gut health. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga.


The 5-phase gut healing protocol is not just about healing a troubled stomach. It's about creating a solid foundation for holistic health. By nurturing our gut, we are setting the stage for a vibrant, energetic, and disease-resistant life. Remember, every individual's journey is unique. Always consult with a health expert to tailor this protocol to your specific needs.


If you are experiencing gut symptoms and would like individualised support, please get in touch by booking in a Discovery Call HERE.