Are you ready to finally reduce your bloating?



Reduce The Bloat will take you from feeling bloated & confused, to a comfortable, flatter stomach in just 28 days, without following a restrictive diet or buying pricey supplements.


If you are tired of feeling 6 months pregnant after every meal, and want a science-backed protocol to get rid of your bloating - you’re in the right place.



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If I only know what food to avoid, I'd finally resolve my bloating.


My willpower is to blame, I'm destined to be bloated forever.


I'm so tired of feeling 6 months pregnant, but I don't have the time for fancy diets.


 I'm doing all the right things and eating 'clean' but I'm still bloated, so what's the point in trying.


Honestly, this is where I was at far too long…


NICE TO meet you.


My name is Brooke, and I was drawn into naturopathy due to my own gut and skin issues. From severe eczema as a child, to embarrassing (constant) breakouts as an adult, and the most unpredictable belly. I became obsessed with finding a reason for my symptoms.


Along the way I tried every diet under the sun: parasite cleanse, SIBO biphasic, FODMAP, GF, DF, sugar free, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, keto, intermittent fasting, juice cleanses, celery juice cleanse, the gallbladder cleanse, the cayenne pepper & lemon cleanse, and the bean protocol. Everything except for carnivore, I’ve never tried that.


My results from all these diets was a feeling of failure and high stress trying to navigate what I could eat. I was so confused, and there was no change in my gut symptoms or skin.


So spent the last 11 years learning everything I could from some of our best microbiome researchers, so I could better understand what actually is going on inside the gut. And what is fact versus fiction when it comes to treatment protocols. Because wow, the internet space is so noisy and polarising opinions sell. But the truth is, health doesn't have to be so complicated.


These days I’m thankful to be able to wear high waisted jeans, eat out with friends, and enjoy a variety of food - without feeling constantly bloated.


Reduce The Bloat: Your 28 Day Guide

LET’S DITCH THE constant bloating AND FINALLY GET a comfortable stomach.


Reduce the Bloat is step by step self-paced 28-day course, strategically designed to improve your underlying gut health while reducing your bloating, so you can eat an array of foods, feel comfortable in your body, and enjoy life.



REDUCE THE BLOAT Your 28 Day Guide: Program features


  • A Comprehensive Online Platform: Access a 4-step formula designed to reduce bloating at its root cause. With around 4 hours of video content, you'll have everything you need to make lasting changes.
  • Bloat Friendly Grocery List & Meal Ideas: Simplify your shopping with brand recommendations and meal ideas tailored to keep bloating at bay.
  • Immediate Symptom Management Guide: Start feeling better from week one with practical tips to ease discomfort quickly.
  • Optional Supplement Recommendations: Accelerate your healing with expert-recommended supplements.
  • Lifestyle Guidance: Implement daily habits that work with your body, not against it, to reduce bloating fast.
  • Expert support: Receive regular emails from me throughout the 28 days, keeping you on track and motivated.
  • And Much More: From motivation tips to extra resources, I’ve packed this program with everything you need for success.


THE foundations



In module 1, you will learn the foundations of good gut health and common contributors to bloating, so you will know how to reduce your bloating fast, AND manage your gut health long after the 28 days are over.

We'll also learn the different types of bloating, and what this means for YOUR treatment.



THE essentials



Module two is all about the essentials needed for a happy gut. Without these components, it is impossible to resolve bloating and keep it gone.

This module debunks common gut health myths, and show's you how to read food labels to keep your gut happy.


THE superfoods



In module 3 we uncover the foods that the gut loves! By incorporating these into the diet, we ensure that your gut health will get better and better every day, and bloating stays away - for good.

We also bring in some liver support, and explain why this is key in your journey to reduce the bloat. 


THE reintroduction



In module 4 we begin reintroducing any foods that we uncovered in module 1 that were triggers for you. This module can take a couple weeks to complete, as only one food is reintroduced each week - so it's simple and easy to do!  

 No long-term restriction here. Each person establishes in week 1 which foods might be aggravating their bloating, and from week 4 we begin bringing them back in. Because a happy diet is a varied diet!



The content contains engaging with little “surprises” along the way, like emails containing interesting information and the most delicious and bloat friendly recipes for weekend cook ups. 

 Also included are a few bonus documents like an eating out guide and a recipe ebook which in my opinion add immense value to this already fantastic program. Brooke is easy to listen to, relatable and sincere and provides achievable guidelines for even the most time poor people to attain.

The big question… Does it help???

Yes! AFTER THE FIRST WEEK OF THE COURSE I SAW AN improvement IN MY  bloating and stomach discomfort.


After completing the course I noticed my back pain which is caused by constant distended abdominal muscles was eased and I even noticed my skin had a healthier glow.

I highly recommend the 28 day course for self motivated individuals looking for a no fuss approach.





 This is not a bandaid fix or a 'cleanse', this is 28 days of reducing your bloating by improving your underlying gut health.


 It's a self-paced course with the ability to ask questions in a live session to a qualified naturopath & nutritionist.


We will be working from a food inclusion, rather than exclusion approach.


 There are no compulsory additional supplements, only optional extras, that won't break the bank.


 Say goodbye to food anxiety, there are no restrictive diets here.


RESULTS matter! HERE'S WHAT TO expect


  A bloat-free, comfortable stomach.


  An understand of what to eat for a flat stomach, more energy, and long-term good gut health.


  Increased energy levels and mental clarity.


  Clearer skin and the ability to go about your day with confidence.


  Reduced stress levels and tools to manage this to prevent the stress-related bloating.


Best Value

One Time Payment

$247 AUD 



Fortnightly Option

2 Payments of

$137 AUD



limited-time BONUSES



This eBook contains 40 delicious, gut-friendly recipes, so you can maintain a bloat-free stomach long after the 28 days are over.



A Live Q&A style group call will be held on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm AEST, so you can ask any gut health questions that arise on your journey.

This call will go for 60 minutes and will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.

BONUS three


Antibiotics can bring back bloating faster than you can blink, but sometimes we need them!

This guide will ensure your belly gets all the love it needs during a course of antibiotics, so your bloating doesn't return.

FOR 7 DAYS, Risk Free


I want you to feel confident in your purchase, which is why I'm offering a 7 day money back guarantee.


Read the FAQ's below for refund terms and conditions.

drastically different. 


So let's suppose that you do buy the Reduce the Bloat. You work through the 4 steps, slowly noticing a change to your health that actually feels sustainable, and in just 28 days from now, you look down at your belly and realise you can’t feel it being bloated anymore.


Not only that, but you:


 Have never received more compliments on your glowing skin.


 Are having the best bowel movements of your life!


 Realised what you thought was weight gain, was simply inflammatory bloat, and now you feel confident in your body.


 Know what to eat each day to feel satisfied, and cravings are a thing of the past.


✧ Feel more energised and clear minded than you have in years!


And all of this is something that you can maintain! The feeling of excitement is real. And so you go and be that bad boss that lives your vibrant life - without finally having to worry about your stomach.

THIS IS For You IF….


 You're tired of trying random supplements with no success, and want a step by step formula to reduce your bloating.

You're short on time. The course content will take you less than 15 minutes a day!

 You've tried every 'cleanse' under the sun, but your bloating always comes back.

You're time poor and don't want to meal prep for hours each week.

You're exhausted by all the conflicting advice online, and want a science-backed approach to reduce your bloating.

 You're taking a bunch of supplements and haven't seen any results, except to your bank balance..




You're chronically unwell. While you will STILL see results, it's likely that you will need individualised support too.

 You're not committed to any changes. While I've made this course as easy to complete as possible, you need to put some time and effort in for it to work.

 You're looking for a meal plan. I don't incorporate them in this program, instead I give grocery lists and meal ideas. The reason for this, is I believe meal plans can be stressful to follow, create a lot of meal planning and prepping each day, and don't teach you how to eat once the meal plan ends. 


Alright, HIT ME WITH YOUR Questions!


my friend!